Uva urs i- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

The herb also contains tannins that have astringent effects, helping to shrink and tighten mucous membranes in the body. In turn, that helps reduce inflammation and fight infection. Today, uva ursi is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) and cystitis (bladder inflammation). Uva ursi has been used to treat dysuria, cystitis, urethritis, and kidney and bladder stones. It has also been recommended for inducing diuresis and to treat constipation. In addition, the leaves of Arctostaphylos have been dried and smoked as tobacco, while leaves and berries have also been used as food.

Umbrella Tree - Schefflera actinophylla

It is particularly good at removing toxins released into the air as a result of cigarette smoke. After taking in gases in your home through their leaves and roots, schefflera plants filter them out and then release clean oxygen into the air. According to the concepts of traditional Chinese medicine, schefflera has bitter, sweet and warm properties, and is associated with the Liver meridian. Its main functions are to promote the circulation of the blood and to alleviate pain. sore and/or swollen throat. It can also help to relieve asthma.


Umckalaobo - Pelargonium sidoides

An aid in the treatment of respiratory infections, bronchitis and common colds, this plant is native to coastal areas of South Africa. The roots of this plant are said to have an anti-tubercular effect and to stimulate the body’s natural immune response. Umckaloabo is usually used for infections such as bronchitis and sinus infection. Researchers think that it might work by killing bacteria or preventing bacteria from attaching to surfaces within the body. Umckaloabo might also increase the body’s normal response to infection.

Upright brome - Bromus erectus

Upright brome is a medium tall perennial grass, which as its name suggests has stiff upright flowering stems with branched heads, Erect brome is perennial grass that grows in disturbed soils, fields, and roadsides. Though it is sometimes sold as an ornamental grass, it is commonly considered a weed, especially on farms and in areas where it is not native. Bromus erectus, commonly known as erect brome, upright brome or meadow brome, is a dense, course, tufted perennial grass. It can grow to 120 centimetres. Like many bromes grasses the plant is hairy. The specific epithet erectus is Latin, meaning “erect”. The diploid number of the grass is 56.


Umbrella banboo - Fargesia murielae

Fargesia murielae, the umbrella bamboo, is a species of flowering plant in the family Poaceae. It is a large, clump-forming evergreen bamboo, closely resembling Fargesia nitida in the same genus, but with yellow canes. The high concentrations of cellulose in bamboo have been shown to stimulate the appetite, prevent constipation, and improve digestion. Low-carbohydrate diets have been shown to help prevent or improve some medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

Umbrella palm - Cyperus alternifolius

Cyperus alternifolius, the umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge or umbrella palm, is a grass-like plant in the very large genus Cyperus of the sedge family Cyperaceae. The plant is native to West Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula, but widely distributed throughout the world. Umbrella palm is a popular pond plant that’s a great addition to any water garden. It creates a stunning visual impact. Umbrella palm (Cyperus alternifolius) Care Guide. Umbrella palm is most-commonly used in architectural landscaping at the edges of ponds or water features, with its tall stems and grass-like leaves putting on an impressive display.

Umbrella pine tree - Sciadopitys verticillate

A coniferous tree 12-30m high forming an umbrella-shaped crown with dense foliage at maturity. The trunk is straight, often forking with reddish-brown bark and deeply cracked into plates. Light green leaf needles in bundles of two. Nut-brown, woody cones 10-15cm long. It invades grasslands and mountain fynbos. A bit of shade during the hot part of the day will produce the best plants in the southern part of its range. The orange, peeling bark is quite attractive but is usually hidden by the foliage. Provide a moist, acidic soil and protection from the wind. The tree is probably best used as a specimen, occasionally for private, protected gardens for a very special effect.

Unicorn Root (Colic Root) – Chamaelirium luteum

True unicorn root, or Aletris farinosa, is a root that has been used by herbalists for centuries. The root has estrogen-like properties and can help counteract the effects of estrogen loss in the skin when used topically,” Dr. Purvisha Patel, board-certified dermatologist and creator of Visha Skincare, told HuffPost.  tonic made with false unicorn root interacts with the body’s estrogen receptor sites. It’s believed that this process increases estrogen levels in the body. This process aids the ovaries to produce a mature egg during ovulation.

Urn Plants – Aechmea fasciata

Aechmea fasciata is a species of flowering plant in the Bromeliaceae family. It is commonly called the silver vase or urn plant and is native to Brazil. This plant is probably the best-known species in this genus, and it is often grown as a houseplant in temperate areas. Scientific research shows that bromeliads can improve indoor air quality after business hours. While most common indoor plants purify the air during the day, bromeliads release oxygen and remove air pollutants during the night

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